Readings By Leisha
Readings By Leisha

Fan Club - Ann's Fans
Fan Club - Ann's Fans
Join the Club and Get Acce​​ss to a Private Members Only Facebook Group!
Join the Club and Get Acce​​ss to a Private Members Only Facebook Group!

What you'll get as a VIP Fan Club Member:
Weekly Facebook LIVE events with FREE Mini Readings
Birthday greeting with messages from Spirit delivered via text
Special discount for PBTM reading
(1.00 off per minute) not applicable for same day PBTM.
Special Discounts not offered to the general public
Entry into the Quarterly drawing for a FREE gift giveaway.
Entry into the MONTHLY drawing for a FREE 20 minute set scheduled reading
Access to the Private FAN CLUB Member Facebook Messenger Group Chat
$60 / year membership
To join, subscribe below.
Then send a text to both Leisha and Cindy at: 912-344-8332 and 432-210-0323
Then send a text to both Leisha and Cindy at: 912-344-8332 and 432-210-0323
Cell Phone Number
Your Local Time Zone
Birthdate (for Free birthday message)
Facebook Profile Name (for invitation to Facebook Group)
Final Step: Accept invitation to Ann's Fans Facebook Group!
Join the FAN CLUB at the Friendship Level and receive admittance to the dedicated Fan Club Page
and access to the Private Fan Club Member Facebook Messenger Group Chat
You'll have access to the WEEKLY LIVES and FREE mini readings if chosen.
PLEASE NOTE: With this Membership Level, you only receive the directly above benefits.
VIP LEVEL Benefits are NOT included!!
Please make your payment via the link below or Zelle me at 912-344-8332 or via Venmo or CashApp.

I have been doing Professional Psychic Mediumship Readings for well over a decade now. My clients tell me that what I tell them and predict comes to pass. It may take time. Sometimes they happen that day and sometimes its days, weeks, months or even a year or two down the line. But, things do come to pass. There is a DIVINE time for everything to happen, and you always have free will to change the outcome of your reading, if you do not like what you hear. You are the creator of your life!
Many Blessings!